You gave me more integrity, knowledge and understanding with what you do on these calls, I guess that’s the fire in you, you reach into that because you put it into more perspective, thank you for reminding me never to give up.

Jean Pizeck

Ronda you have taught me to be grateful for everything that causes me stress and pain, and to remind myself that I’m focusing on that which I don’t want and not on what I do want, it has meant the world to me and focused me, thank you for being you and always bringing the fire.


The thing that you touched my heart with is that one day I really wanted to quit, and you said before you even think about quitting you call me, love you


Ronda has taught me to never give up, she’s taught me that it’s ok to feel your feelings, and she has taught me that there is immense power in being vulnerable, love you!

Jenna G