Imagine Living Your Life With More Energy, Clarity, And Focus…
Waking Up Each Morning Jumping Out Of Bed Enthused, Doing The Things You Say You Want To, But Think You “Can’t”
What would that be like for you?
Many people read this sentence and think… “Yeah, but…”I understand, I used to be that person too. Watching others enjoy life and make it look so easy, while sitting on the sidelines of my own. Doing all the “shoulds,” working at jobs I was good at but had no passion for, and suffering through not one, but five failed relationships.
My life became particularly awful the moment I was sitting on one of those uncomfortable, cold metallic doctor tables.
The Doctor stood over me, practically smirking while telling me I have a potentially incurable, and possibly terminal illness and “we need to start treatment right away!!!”
His idea of treatment made my heart sink. I felt scared, sad, and angry all at the same time. Then completely overwhelmed.
When I returned to my apartment, alone and more distraught then I’d been in a long time, I picked up the phone and called a friend.
“There’s something terribly wrong, and it could be one step away from cancer. Not too many people survive this kind of cancer, you know!”
“You don’t have to listen to him honey!” she said. “Let’s find someone who believes in you and will work WITH you to overcome this.”
“Wow, that’s a thing?” I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. I was in disbelief that there was a way out of this based on how the Dr. had intimidated me.
Sitting at my computer alone and afraid, I searched for anyone who believed in natural protocols. I called doctor after doctor.
On the 10th call I found Dr. Cynthia Watson who told me…
“I’m an MD, I’m an ND, I’m a biochemist, and we can work together to heal your body.”
In That Moment I Made A Choice Of What I Was Going To Believe And What I Was Going To Pour Myself Into…
I chose ME, for the first time ever.My health, my energy, my time, my passion.
I wanted it back. In fact, I wanted it for the first time. I knew it was going to be a lot of work, but that tiny bit of belief that my friend had for me, carried over into my first taste of self-belief.
For 6 months I went through a very intensive protocol of forgiveness, journaling, crying, meditation, nutrition, exercise and so much more. Then one profound day that I will never forget, my tests came back clear!
I regained my health and in the process found a much greater joy in living. I had energy to do things I always wanted to, but couldn’t. I took a year to study meditation with a master and learned to generate bliss and happiness from the inside out.
I became so passionate about my transformation I wanted to share it with everyone, but I didn’t know how. I felt nobody would listen to me. I had no degree, no initials after my name.
I was praying for a way to help people, a way to share what I had learned, to empower people to believe…
One morning as I prayed, the phone rang. It was my former boss Dr. John Gray. You may know his book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.
“Ronda, you have to check this out! I’ve been blown away by this line of nutritional products and I am just calling everyone I care about to share it with them.
My friend Renee who I’d tried to help for years shared it with me after she walked in here one day 30 pounds lighter than I’d ever seen her, her skin glowing!
I asked her how she’d done it since most of what her and I did together didn’t work, and she said…
‘Oh my friend Ron Reid is good friends with this formulator, this kinda genius guy named John Anderson. He recently formulated this cleaning replenishing revitalizing program I’ve been doing it for 3 months and I’ve never felt so amazing!’
So I said, ‘Let me see that stuff!’ And I saw it was all amino acid based, and amino acids had helped me overcome some major scares in my past so I knew all the science behind it.
I took it for 30 days and now I’m calling everyone I know. I met the formulator. I’ve seen the factory, I have done major research into each ingredient. I know the founders of this company and what they want is real beauty and health for each person on this planet by healing at the cellular level.
I Know You’ve Been Wanting To Help Others And I Think This Could Be It.
Want to try it?”I wasn’t really sure if this “was it,” the answer to my prayer. But I trusted John and he told me that he would show me how I could partner with this company, make some retirement income and get super healthy.
“Listen Ronda, people are sick, numb, tired and the reasons are toxins we’ve never had to deal with in the past generations so our bodies don’t know how to… a lack of nutrition in the food we eat that our grandmother’s never ate, and more stress than humans have ever had to deal with!
It’s not really people’s fault that the ways they’ve tried to lose weight or get healthier or gain more energy hasn’t worked. It hasn’t gotten to that root of the problem but I believe we are.”
At that point, I couldn’t get the stuff fast enough.
After 4 days I felt like a completely different person, like someone had flipped the switch.
I had prayed so hard to make a difference, to find a way to be of service. I wasn’t 100% sure this was it but I decided I’d try.
I Decided To Share This Amazing Product & Program With Others
It wasn’t easy! I wanted to share my story and my experience and my passion and my health with everyone who would listen but I was also terrified of rejection.What would happen if I shared my heart with another and they just laughed at me? Or called me crazy?
Well I believed in this movement, and to me it is a movement, so much I started going to company events, and I fell in love with owners of company and the culture they had created. Their hearts were the size of the universe. The focus and love at their events was so powerful
I started reading books, worked on myself, went to events…
And one day I had the realization that if I could heal my body I could heal anything including my fear of rejection and my bank account!
All I needed to do was make a single decision, focus and stick to it!
“Okay Ronda,” I said to myself. “You are doing this!”
I stopped caring about how hard it might be, how long it could to take, who might be successful faster. I stopped comparing myself and focused on taking consistent action while being of service.
“I am going to succeed!” became my mantra.
“This is my destiny. I am here to do this. This is working, it truly helps people and I am here
to shift consciousness in the world. This is how I am going to do it.”
Eventually I got to a 6 figure residual income but I still had a lot of growing to do as a leader, as someone building a team.
With the support of our community, that’s what I did.
Then I Became A Million Dollar Earner, Then A Millionaire.
It was all from persevering and never giving up.I got the title of “Queen of Never Quitting!”
And as the Queen of Never Quitting, even though I am truly blessed to be in a position to never work another day in my life, if I can help one more person feel better then that is my sacred honor and duty.
I want to share with you two of the products that gave me and so many others a life beyond our wildest dreams by first helping us get more energy…
Then helping us day by day, through hard work and effort, do the things we truly enjoy and are here to do.
If you’re ready for that there’s a video you can enter your name and email to receive in just a moment.
The fitness industry doesn’t really address the two reasons most of us walk around feeling that we can never catch up and we’re “half living” our lives.Environmental toxicity is one.
Nutritional depletion, even if we think we’re eating healthy, for two.
There are chemicals everywhere, in all our food, air and water and at this point we simply can’t get away from it. We’re going to feel low energy and emotionally depleted until we understand and resolve this.
Our liver is responsible for clearing toxins, when there are too many all at once, it begins to store toxins in fat cells in the body. Which in turn creates several problems especially if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain energy or vitality.
Our body is so nutritionally deprived that every time we eat it craves more food. That’s why most people are on an up and down roller coaster with everything from energy to weight to how they feel.
The meal replacement shake and detox products I want to share with you load your body with optimal nutrition so your body can do what it needs to do!
And if you make the decision to take control of your life, like I did…
You order these supplements and you don’t feel better in 30 days we will give you your money back, no questions asked.
So you can go ahead and enter your name and email here and get started with a video that will go deeper into the science of all of this so you can get your questions answered if you have any.